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Deliver transcript and hyperlinked exhibit files to All devices for free

1. Once logged in select Settings/iDepos tab.

2. The download notification tool automatically sends emails keeping you informed on who/when transcripts/exhibits have been downloaded.  To cut down on the number of emails you can select No and select Yes for specific situations (sending expediates).

3. The appropiate selection depends on if you use a desktop email program i.e. Outlook/Window Live or use a web-based email provider i.e. Google, Yahoo, etc..

4. The iDepos email can be customized to fit your specific needs.

5. Select the Save button to store any/all changes.

6. Go to Settings/Branding tab.

7. Select the browse button and upload a company logo image file.  Please contact us if you need assistance with this i.e. resizing.

8. Type in a tagline, slogan or company information.  Options to change background and font colors make the iDepos download page "yours".

9. Customize the message seen on the iDepos transcript/exhibit download webpage.

10. Select the Save button to store any/all changes.

End of instructions.