Client sees a new message when opening ANY PDF portfolio file including PDF-it transcripts.
Link provided here
or copy/paste the following link into your browser.
Confirm the issue by asking client to open the following PDF portfolio (not made by PDF-it) at this link
or copy/paste the following link into your browser.
When Proceed to download page button is chosen. Word of caution, administrative rights will be required. Notice how Adobe says that Flash Active X is NOT enough.
Save installation program to a known location like your desktop.
Double click the installation program on your desktop and continue to follow instructions.
Confirm installation by going to Control Panel - All programs.
Here is where Adobe's Flash update gets insane. The user may, and probably will, receive the same Flash message even though they did everything right.
After numerous emails to Adobe explaining the issue. We were instructed to tell users to download a second Adobe Flash at a different web address of here
or copy/paste the following link into your browser.
Continue with the installation instructions. Make sure to uncheck any extra software you don't want. Another pitfall to watch for is disabling anti-virus software, which again, will require adminisstrative rights.
Confirm installation by going to Control Panel - All programs.
End of instructions.